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Two writ petitions to the Delhi High Court have resulted in the formation of a committee tasked with devising approaches to promote expedited examination at the Indian Patent Office, as Pravin Anand of Anand and Anand reports.   16 June 2015
Tax avoidance involving the import of undeclared trademarked items has led the Mexican customs authorities to change the regulations governing the information that must be submitted, as Daniel Sánchez and Víctor Ramírez of Olivares describe.   16 June 2015
An enormous increase in the number of biotech articles published in Brazil indicates that the area is experiencing strong expansion when considered in the global context, as Gabriel Di Blasi and Marisa Moura Momoli of Di Blasi, Parente & Associados report.   16 June 2015
There is increasing demand for plant variety protection in Brazil. Renata Campello Afonso of Luiz Leonardos & Advogados reports.   16 June 2015
The Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office has issued the second decisions in the so-called Broccoli and Tomato cases. Albrecht von Menges of Uexküll & Stolberg examines the decisions and their implications.   16 June 2015
Mexican patent examiners usually reject patents directed to human embryonic stem cells, but applications filed after 2008 may have a greater chance of being approved, as Jasmin Maqueda of Becerril, Coca & Becerril describes.   16 June 2015
The proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership seemingly contains a bid by the US to increase standards for compulsory licences above those already in place internationally, say Sandra Kuzmich and Russell Garman of Frommer Lawrence & Haug.   16 June 2015
The inter partes review system was set up as a cheaper way of invalidating patents than litigation. Given the high success rate, and the large number of ‘patent trolls’ involved, is it likely that troll activity will be dampened? Steve Coyle, Leslie-Anne Maxwell and Chad Dever of Cantor Colburn investigate.   16 June 2015
The Supreme Court’s Limelight decision makes it particularly difficult for the owners of diagnostic method patents to enforce those patents against a third party selling the assay. MaryAnne Armstrong of Birch, Stewart, Kolasch & Birch describes the current situation.   16 June 2015
Despite the SPC Regulation having been in existence for decades, applicants are still left to navigate uncertain waters on issues of fundamental importance when it comes to ‘combination’ therapies, as Michael Pears of Potter Clarkson reports.   16 June 2015