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Despite their great ability to fight diseases, gene therapies face tough challenges from an IP and regulatory perspective in Mexico, as Hector Chagoya and Mariana Gonzalez of Becerril, Coca & Becerril report.   3 July 2017
Teva and Mylan have agreed to dismiss a patent infringement dispute centring on Copaxone, a treatment for multiple sclerosis.   30 June 2017
The European Patent Office has amended its regulations to exclude plants and animals obtained by an essentially biological breeding process from patentability.   30 June 2017
Almost one year after the US Supreme Court’s Halo decision, companies should consider a handful of best practices to reduce the risk of paying enhanced damages for wilful patent infringement, as Lynde Herzbach of Birch Stewart Kolasch Birch reports.   30 June 2017
An advice system for labelling products in Mexico has been extended to food and non-alcoholic beverages. Daniel Sanchez and Victor Ramirez of Olivares report on how the regime works in practice.   30 June 2017
Marisa Moura Momoli of Di Blasi, Parente & Associados looks at the fast-developing CRISPR/Cas9 technology and discusses its patentability in Brazil.   29 June 2017
Pfizer and a class of direct purchasers have each filed motions for summary judgment at a Virginia district court centring on antitrust allegations made against Pfizer.   29 June 2017
Two decisions in India on the protection of plant varieties provide useful guidance in this area, as Archana Shanker of Anand and Anand reports.   29 June 2017
Diagnostic company Hologic has filed a complaint against Fujifilm for allegedly infringing its patents covering a breast imaging system.   29 June 2017
The US Food and Drug Administration has revealed plans to increase competition in the US market for prescription drugs, as well as to facilitate the entry of generic drugs into the market.   28 June 2017