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The Coalition for Affordable Drugs, an organisation closely tied to hedge fund manager Kyle Bass, has persuaded the Patent Trial and Appeal Board to institute an inter partes review concerning the validity of two patents owned by biopharmaceutical company Celgene.   28 October 2015
Law firm Duane Morris has hired Paul Li as a partner in the firm’s intellectual property practice in San Francisco.   27 October 2015
Hedge fund manager Kyle Bass and his Coalition for Affordable Drugs have tasted success at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board for the second time in a month after it agreed to institute an inter partes review of a patent covering a drug owned by NPS Pharmaceuticals.   27 October 2015
Big Pharma
UK court decisions in Warner-Lambert v Actavis seek to define second medical use patent rights, and the recent full trial ruling provides some early guidance on the ‘reasonable foreseeability’ test concerning patent use, says Steve Smith of Potter Clarkson.   27 October 2015
The future of Brazil’s technological innovation centres, which bring together public and private sector parties to develop mainly life sciences technology, looks bright. Gabriel Di Blasi and Felipe Barros Oquendo of Di Blasi, Parente & Associados report   27 October 2015
Parties can apply for a compulsory licence in India on several grounds, including that the invention is not worked in the country. Neeti Wilson of Anand and Anand explores the issue further.   27 October 2015
Despite the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit’s ruling in Amgen v Sandoz, significant uncertainty concerning two key provisions of the BPCIA remains, as Steve Coyle and Leslie-Anne Maxwell of Cantor Colburn describe.   27 October 2015
Patent examiners not only have to tackle legal questions, but in cases of inventions directed to genetically modified animals they must consider moral issues too. This forms part of a wider controversial debate surrounding animals and patents. LSIPR reports.   27 October 2015
Non-profit organisation I-MAK is attempting to expose the problem at the heart of the patent system—that too often drug patents are wrongfully granted and consequently sick people in poorer countries are being left untreated. LSIPR delves deeper into the issues.   27 October 2015
In July the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit sought to clarify the rules on the ‘patent dance’, but with confusion reigning there are likely to be more twists and turns to come, as LSIPR finds out.   27 October 2015