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28 October 2020AmericasSarah Morgan

3M settles mask price-gouging suit

A Minnesota judge has approved an agreement between 3M and a former Marine, resolving a price-gouging dispute over N95 masks.

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More on this story

14 December 2021   Multinational 3M has suffered a setback in its litigation campaign against the distributors of N95 masks after a US judge found in favour of arguments made by one of its opponents.
18 January 2021   US customs officials at John F Kennedy International Airport in New York have seized 100,000 counterfeit 3M N95 masks imported from Hong Kong.
17 August 2020   An Amazon seller has agreed to pay almost $200,000 to settle a trademark lawsuit brought by face mask manufacturer 3M over alleged price gouging.

More on this story

14 December 2021   Multinational 3M has suffered a setback in its litigation campaign against the distributors of N95 masks after a US judge found in favour of arguments made by one of its opponents.
18 January 2021   US customs officials at John F Kennedy International Airport in New York have seized 100,000 counterfeit 3M N95 masks imported from Hong Kong.
17 August 2020   An Amazon seller has agreed to pay almost $200,000 to settle a trademark lawsuit brought by face mask manufacturer 3M over alleged price gouging.

More on this story

14 December 2021   Multinational 3M has suffered a setback in its litigation campaign against the distributors of N95 masks after a US judge found in favour of arguments made by one of its opponents.
18 January 2021   US customs officials at John F Kennedy International Airport in New York have seized 100,000 counterfeit 3M N95 masks imported from Hong Kong.
17 August 2020   An Amazon seller has agreed to pay almost $200,000 to settle a trademark lawsuit brought by face mask manufacturer 3M over alleged price gouging.