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12 August 2021AmericasAlex Baldwin

Brazil passes compulsory licence bill for COVID-19 vaccines

The Brazilian Senate Plenary has approved a bill that will allow President Bolsonaro to waive patent protections for COVID-19 vaccines.

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Big Pharma
9 September 2021   Australia will waive IP protections for COVID-19 vaccines to enable more cost-effective copycat versions to be manufactured in developing countries, in the wake of mounting pressure from human rights groups and governments worldwide.
8 April 2021   Brazil’s highest court has suspended extensions of drug patents due to the public health emergency caused by COVID-19.

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Big Pharma
9 September 2021   Australia will waive IP protections for COVID-19 vaccines to enable more cost-effective copycat versions to be manufactured in developing countries, in the wake of mounting pressure from human rights groups and governments worldwide.
8 April 2021   Brazil’s highest court has suspended extensions of drug patents due to the public health emergency caused by COVID-19.