Piotr Swat / Shutterstock.com
8 October 2024NewsAmericasLiz Hockley

Regeneron denied safe harbour defence in COVID-19 drug dispute

Judge says use of patented protein mNeonGreen not covered by Section 271(e)(1) provision I Allele granted summary judgment in patent infringement suit.

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6 January 2022   Biotech Allele has dropped its lawsuit accusing Pfizer and BioNTech of infringing technology covering a fluorescent protein used in COVID-19 vaccines.
Big Pharma
7 March 2022   Regeneron has failed to convince a Manhattan district court to drop a lawsuit claiming that it developed COVID-19 treatments using Allele’s fluorescent protein invention without its permission.

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6 January 2022   Biotech Allele has dropped its lawsuit accusing Pfizer and BioNTech of infringing technology covering a fluorescent protein used in COVID-19 vaccines.
Big Pharma
7 March 2022   Regeneron has failed to convince a Manhattan district court to drop a lawsuit claiming that it developed COVID-19 treatments using Allele’s fluorescent protein invention without its permission.

More on this story

6 January 2022   Biotech Allele has dropped its lawsuit accusing Pfizer and BioNTech of infringing technology covering a fluorescent protein used in COVID-19 vaccines.
Big Pharma
7 March 2022   Regeneron has failed to convince a Manhattan district court to drop a lawsuit claiming that it developed COVID-19 treatments using Allele’s fluorescent protein invention without its permission.