Steve Heap /
12 March 2020AmericasRory O'Neill

Texas uni wants Supreme Court to settle state sovereignty rules

The University of Texas has asked the Supreme Court to rule that state-owned institutions should escape the normal rules determining the appropriate venue for filing patent lawsuits.

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21 July 2022   Japan-based pharma company must pay for infringment | Drug was recently approved for breast cancer treatment by EU.
4 March 2021   The result of the sovereign immunity bid mirrored previous cases but we did learn something about the opinions of Justices on the issue, says Gary Frischling of Milbank.
18 February 2021   The University of Texas has failed to persuade the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit to review a ruling that prevented it from using sovereign immunity to protect its cancer vaccine patents from inter partes reviews.

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21 July 2022   Japan-based pharma company must pay for infringment | Drug was recently approved for breast cancer treatment by EU.
4 March 2021   The result of the sovereign immunity bid mirrored previous cases but we did learn something about the opinions of Justices on the issue, says Gary Frischling of Milbank.
18 February 2021   The University of Texas has failed to persuade the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit to review a ruling that prevented it from using sovereign immunity to protect its cancer vaccine patents from inter partes reviews.

More on this story

21 July 2022   Japan-based pharma company must pay for infringment | Drug was recently approved for breast cancer treatment by EU.
4 March 2021   The result of the sovereign immunity bid mirrored previous cases but we did learn something about the opinions of Justices on the issue, says Gary Frischling of Milbank.
18 February 2021   The University of Texas has failed to persuade the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit to review a ruling that prevented it from using sovereign immunity to protect its cancer vaccine patents from inter partes reviews.