13 December 2018Big Pharma

Biotech firm to use Merck’s CRISPR patents in rodent models

France-based biotechnology company genOway has acquired the exclusive global rights to German pharmaceutical company Merck Group’s CRISPR patents, to be used in the production and sale of rodent models.

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21 November 2023   Recent clashes over patents covering modified guide RNAs have exposed different approaches from the US and Europe—and new complications for the field, says Claire Irvine of HGF.
28 September 2021   Wholesale buyers of MSD’s cholesterol treatment Zetia have asked a Virginia court to recertify their class status and move to trial following a recent fourth circuit ruling that reversed the court’s prior certification.
28 January 2019   German pharmaceutical company Merck Group has granted US biotech firm Vertex a licence to two DNA-dependent protein kinases inhibitors.

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21 November 2023   Recent clashes over patents covering modified guide RNAs have exposed different approaches from the US and Europe—and new complications for the field, says Claire Irvine of HGF.
28 September 2021   Wholesale buyers of MSD’s cholesterol treatment Zetia have asked a Virginia court to recertify their class status and move to trial following a recent fourth circuit ruling that reversed the court’s prior certification.
28 January 2019   German pharmaceutical company Merck Group has granted US biotech firm Vertex a licence to two DNA-dependent protein kinases inhibitors.