Bill Perry /
16 July 2020Big Pharma

Fed Circuit rejects Nobel Prize winner’s patent appeal

A US federal court has thrown out an appeal from  Ono Pharmaceutical and a Nobel Prize-winning immunologist, in a dispute over who made groundbreaking discoveries in cancer therapy.

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8 October 2020   French microbiologist Emmanuelle Charpentier and US biochemist Jennifer Doudna have achieved scientific history by jointly winning the Nobel Prize in chemistry for their seminal work on gene-editing technology, CRISPR.
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6 August 2020   IP boutique KIPA has strengthened its team with the addition of Iceland-based patent attorney Thorlakur Jonsson.
14 April 2020   The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has ordered a new trial in a patent dispute between Abbott-subsidiary Alere and patent monetisation company Rembrandt Diagnostics.

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8 October 2020   French microbiologist Emmanuelle Charpentier and US biochemist Jennifer Doudna have achieved scientific history by jointly winning the Nobel Prize in chemistry for their seminal work on gene-editing technology, CRISPR.
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6 August 2020   IP boutique KIPA has strengthened its team with the addition of Iceland-based patent attorney Thorlakur Jonsson.
14 April 2020   The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has ordered a new trial in a patent dispute between Abbott-subsidiary Alere and patent monetisation company Rembrandt Diagnostics.