28 September 2023FeaturesBig PharmaVincent Shier

Why Fed Circ's 'Cellect' decision cannot be ignored

US patent holders may want to rethink their patent portfolio strategies following the recent decision by the Court of Appeal for the Federal Circuit in  In re Cellect.

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2 November 2023   Precedential ruling finds errors in lower court’s findings in a case concerning medical devices | Earlier verdict has been vacated and remanded.
5 October 2023   In part 2 of articles assessing the impact of 'Cellect v Samsung', Vincent Shier of Haynes Boone now sets out what the future may hold—both for this unusual case, as well as judicial doctrine in general.
Big Pharma
15 February 2021   Chances are, if you manage a life sciences portfolio, you had to rethink your monetization strategy last year.

More on this story

2 November 2023   Precedential ruling finds errors in lower court’s findings in a case concerning medical devices | Earlier verdict has been vacated and remanded.
5 October 2023   In part 2 of articles assessing the impact of 'Cellect v Samsung', Vincent Shier of Haynes Boone now sets out what the future may hold—both for this unusual case, as well as judicial doctrine in general.
Big Pharma
15 February 2021   Chances are, if you manage a life sciences portfolio, you had to rethink your monetization strategy last year.

More on this story

2 November 2023   Precedential ruling finds errors in lower court’s findings in a case concerning medical devices | Earlier verdict has been vacated and remanded.
5 October 2023   In part 2 of articles assessing the impact of 'Cellect v Samsung', Vincent Shier of Haynes Boone now sets out what the future may hold—both for this unusual case, as well as judicial doctrine in general.
Big Pharma
15 February 2021   Chances are, if you manage a life sciences portfolio, you had to rethink your monetization strategy last year.