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4 March 2025NewsBig PharmaMuireann Bolger

Teva can’t revive Orange book inhaler battle at Fed Circ

Federal Circuit says only patents claiming the active ingredient of a drug are eligible for listing | Injunction against Teva temporarily paused in January pending the appeal court’s decision to review.

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23 January 2025   Teva insisted panel’s narrow interpretation of ‘claims the drug’ will have a seismic effect on the Orange Book | Stay granted while en banc rehearing is under question | Decision could reshape patent listing standards and impact the availability of generic drugs.

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23 January 2025   Teva insisted panel’s narrow interpretation of ‘claims the drug’ will have a seismic effect on the Orange Book | Stay granted while en banc rehearing is under question | Decision could reshape patent listing standards and impact the availability of generic drugs.

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23 January 2025   Teva insisted panel’s narrow interpretation of ‘claims the drug’ will have a seismic effect on the Orange Book | Stay granted while en banc rehearing is under question | Decision could reshape patent listing standards and impact the availability of generic drugs.