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8 October 2024NewsEuropeMarisa Woutersen

Astellas defends blockbuster cancer treatment patent

A UK court upholds the patent for Astellas Pharma's life-extending prostate cancer treatment | Judgment dismisses attempts by Accord Healthcare, Sandoz, and Teva to invalidate the patent | Parallel litigation in Germany and Netherlands ongoing.

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6 August 2024   Big pharma subsidiary and Japanese collaborator allege infringement of blockbuster drug product | $1.2 billion treatment developed by University of California.
Big Pharma
23 March 2023   NIH rejects petition to use “march-in” rights to allow cheaper competition | Xtandi is “widely available” to public, federal agency says.

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6 August 2024   Big pharma subsidiary and Japanese collaborator allege infringement of blockbuster drug product | $1.2 billion treatment developed by University of California.
Big Pharma
23 March 2023   NIH rejects petition to use “march-in” rights to allow cheaper competition | Xtandi is “widely available” to public, federal agency says.