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10 October 2024NewsEuropeMarisa Woutersen

Pfizer and BioNTech win UK COVID-19 dispute

Duo successfully invalidate two CureVac patents in the UK | High Court deems patents invalid due to lack of inventive step and insufficient technical contribution | CureVac “disappointed” but stressed outcome does not affect ongoing litigation in Germany and US.

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More on this story

Big Pharma
6 September 2022   CureVac accuses Pfizer and its German partner of infringing patented tech in landmark COVID-19 treatment | The pharma giant says that the patents are invalid
30 April 2024   Settlement comes after Acuitas alleged CureVac deliberately omitted its scientists as inventors on four US patents related to COVID-19 vaccines, claiming co-inventorship | Patents in suit relate to ongoing litigation with Pfizer and BioNTech.
Big Pharma
28 July 2022   German biotech and its US big pharma partner file counter complaint | Under-fire pair say they didn’t infringe patents | Claims reject earlier suit as an attempt to profit through legal threats.

More on this story

Big Pharma
6 September 2022   CureVac accuses Pfizer and its German partner of infringing patented tech in landmark COVID-19 treatment | The pharma giant says that the patents are invalid
30 April 2024   Settlement comes after Acuitas alleged CureVac deliberately omitted its scientists as inventors on four US patents related to COVID-19 vaccines, claiming co-inventorship | Patents in suit relate to ongoing litigation with Pfizer and BioNTech.
Big Pharma
28 July 2022   German biotech and its US big pharma partner file counter complaint | Under-fire pair say they didn’t infringe patents | Claims reject earlier suit as an attempt to profit through legal threats.

More on this story

Big Pharma
6 September 2022   CureVac accuses Pfizer and its German partner of infringing patented tech in landmark COVID-19 treatment | The pharma giant says that the patents are invalid
30 April 2024   Settlement comes after Acuitas alleged CureVac deliberately omitted its scientists as inventors on four US patents related to COVID-19 vaccines, claiming co-inventorship | Patents in suit relate to ongoing litigation with Pfizer and BioNTech.
Big Pharma
28 July 2022   German biotech and its US big pharma partner file counter complaint | Under-fire pair say they didn’t infringe patents | Claims reject earlier suit as an attempt to profit through legal threats.