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Big Pharma
The CJEU’s decision in Royalty Pharma has provided much-anticipated guidance on supplementary protection certificates but has left a lot of uncertainty. Was this the best the CJEU could come up with? Beatriz San Martin of Arnold & Porter reports.   15 May 2020
Plant Varieties
The European Patent Office has said that plants and animals exclusively obtained by essentially biological processes are not patentable.   14 May 2020
Big Pharma
Natera has agreed to license Illumina IP covering non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), in a deal that sees the pair settle all outstanding patent litigation over the technology.   14 May 2020
Gilead has agreed to license its antiviral remdesivir to five generic makers for distribution during the COVID-19 pandemic.   14 May 2020
A Californian judge has thrown out an attorney’s whistleblower lawsuit alleging Bausch Health Companies fraudulently obtained a patent for its ulcerative colitis drug Apriso.   14 May 2020
The US Supreme Court should not take up a petition asking whether it’s a violation of the Fifth Amendment for patents issued before the enactment of the American Invents Act to be subjected to inter partes reviews, according to the US government.   13 May 2020
Merck has added two US patents to its CRISPR-Cas9 patent portfolio, and is already seeking licensing and product development partners, the German company announced yesterday, May 11.   12 May 2020
A trademark infringement complaint filed by 3M is “short on ultimate facts and long on inflammatory, derogatory, and conclusory assertions”, according to the company accused of price-gouging in the suit.   12 May 2020
A California spacecraft laboratory has made its respirator designs available for free and signed up to the IP sharing scheme, Open COVID Pledge.   11 May 2020
The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has affirmed a generic maker’s victory over pharmaceutical company Eagle Pharmaceuticals in a case involving cancer drug Belrapzo.   11 May 2020