1 October 2024NewsUnified Patent CourtMarisa Woutersen

‘It was like starting all over again’: Tobias Wuttke

Having been involved in more than 30 cases at the UPC, the Bardehle Pagenberg litigator tells Marisa Woutersen why success at the game-changing court is a team effort.

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Unified Patent Court
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17 September 2024   Court finds United Therapeutics breached settlement agreement by restricting distribution of cartridges | Sandoz alleged rival hampered launch of generic medication for pulmonary arterial hypertension
Unified Patent Court
12 September 2024   Data visualisations based on the court’s activity from June to August reveal that the use of English is growing, German divisions are dominating, and appeals are creeping up, writes Marisa Woutersen.

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17 September 2024   Court finds United Therapeutics breached settlement agreement by restricting distribution of cartridges | Sandoz alleged rival hampered launch of generic medication for pulmonary arterial hypertension
Unified Patent Court
12 September 2024   Data visualisations based on the court’s activity from June to August reveal that the use of English is growing, German divisions are dominating, and appeals are creeping up, writes Marisa Woutersen.